How FPC Connects to Our Community!
1. Meals-on-Wheels
2. Keenager Banquet
3. Refreshments for Sanford Correctional Center
4. Birthday Celebration
5. Local Food Pantry
6. Flowers placed in the church each Sunday.
7. Memorial flowers placed in the sanctuary in memory of women who have died during the past year.
8. Visit nursing homes, sick and bereaved.
9. Meals prepared for those returning home from a hospital stay.
10. Meals and receptions served in the home or at the church at the death of any member.
11. Least Coin Fellowship Celebration
12. Thank Offering Dedication
13. Habitat for Humanity
14. Children’s Hope Alliance
15. The Breadbasket
16. Church World Service Missions
17. Correspondence and gifts to our Youth and College Students
18. Preservation of First Presbyterian Church History
19. Library Fund and Committee
20. Scholarship Fund
21. Highway to Healing